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Updated: Dec 11, 2020

After the beginning of COVID pandemic and the shutdown of public events in Santa Clara County, we canceled the rest of our events for the year. By April, we started a month-long virtual event, encouraging people to get more familiar with their neighborhood environment and document it on iNaturalist. For the entire month of April, we had daily challenges in collaboration with KCCB. Our project, named Meet Your Nature Neighbors, continues. It already has thousands of observations from all around the Bay Area. Join us!

At the same time, partnering with KCCB, SBN, and OSA, we started providing live virtual nature walks to people who cannot get out as often as they were used to. We visited some of our favorite preserves, such as Laguna Seca and Almaden Quicksilver. We hiked around the parks and shared our findings with people using Zoom. You can view recorded videos of the events here.

Later, we started offering online presentations to different organizations, about citizen science and insect biology. We partnered with SFBBO, SCVAS, OSA, Grassroots Ecology, and other organizations. You can view some of the recorded videos here.

Between September-November we had a few in-person socially-distanced events, with SBCCC and KCCB. We decided to cancel our December event according to the new county guidelines. Follow the website to get all our updates!

Finally, in October we started organizing Virtual BioBlitz events. This appeared to be a great way to keep in touch with our community. We set a date using our new Facebook group, and an iNaturalist project page. All you need to do in order to participate is to join the iNaturalist project and make some observations on the chosen date. And you can come and share your finding at a concluding zoom meeting!



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